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Native Hawaiian victimhood -- malpractice in the gathering and statistical analysis of data allegedly showing disproportionate Native Hawaiian victimhood for disease and social dysfunction. How and why the Hawaiian grievance industry uses bogus statistics to scam government and philanthropic organizations, politicians, and public opinion.

by Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.
January 20, 2017

Who counts as Native Hawaiian or Caucasian? How data analysis comparing ethnic groups in Hawaii is outrageously skewed by failure to take account of fractional blood quantum and age. How bogus statistical analysis is used to assert unfounded claims of disparate impact or victimhood. How the Native Hawaiian victimhood scam is wielded as a political weapon to shape public policy regarding racial entitlement programs, healthcare, education, the criminal justice system, and demands for race-based political sovereignty.


For decades politicians, academics, and the people of Hawaii have been bombarded with claims that Native Hawaiians have the worst victimhood statistics for virtually every terrible disease or social dysfunction: heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, drug abuse, poverty, incarceration -- the list of woes is endless. Such claims are presented along with statistics which appear to prove them. The claims, sometimes accompanied by statistical "studies", are published in newspapers or academic journals to influence public opinion to feel sympathy for those poor, downtrodden Native Hawaiians and to build political support for racial entitlement programs. The "studies" are also cited when powerful institutions with well-established bureaucracies apply for government or philanthropic grants to conduct race-based screening programs and further studies, which are then used to apply for additional grants, etc.; thereby perpetuating the institutions and the salaries of their bureaucrats.

Victims are assigned to the category of "Native Hawaiian" without regard to the other ethnicities that make up a majority of their ancestry. This greatly inflates the alleged victimhood of Native Hawaiians while at the same time depriving those other ethnicities of the victimhood recognition to which the facts entitle them. Anyone with even a single drop of Hawaiian native blood is classified as "Native Hawaiian" and solely as Native Hawaiian (see the "smoking gun" confession of statistical malpractice copied from a scholarly article cited below). The opposite sort of one-drop rule is used when counting Caucasians. A person whose ancestry is 7/8 Caucasian might be classified as Filipino merely because the father has 1/8 Filipino ancestry. These two applications of the one-drop rule grossly increase the apparent level of Native Hawaiian victimhood while also reducing the apparent level of Caucasian victimhood. An accurate assessment of ethnic victimhood would require researchers to have the courage to ask the politically incorrect but scientifically essential question: What are you? What racial groups are present in your ancestry, and what is the percentage of each one?

If victimhood is to be ascribed as being genetically caused by or correlated with race, then each racial group should be awarded a fractional victimhood tally mark for each victim, equal to the fraction of that race in the ancestry of each victim. If victimhood is to be ascribed as being caused by ethnic lifestyle or culture or religion, then a researcher should create for each lifestyle or culture or religion a list of activities or attitudes that characterize each culture or religion, and award fractional points to each of them according to the activities or attitudes of each victim. Whether genetics or lifestyle is being studied as a cause or correlation of victimhood, a graph should be drawn for each kind of victimhood with regard to each ethnic group, comparing percentage of ethnicity against percentage of victimhood. If women with a low percentage of being Native Hawaiian by race or lifestyle have a low percentage of breast cancer while women with a high percentage of being Native Hawaiian by race or lifestyle also have a high percentage of breast cancer, then it would be reasonable to conclude that being Native Hawaiian is correlated with and probably a cause of getting breast cancer. Researchers could then try to discover what specific elements of genome or lifestyle cause the trouble. It would certainly be scientifically interesting to discover clear causes for the bad outcomes. But then would arise the question what should be done with such knowledge. It would be politically incorrect and socially dangerous to recommend genetic modification for Native Hawaiians, or changes in culture or lifestyle, as ways to prevent victimhood.

Comparing Native Hawaiians against other ethnicities as entire groups without regard to age levels, makes Native Hawaiians appear to have lower incomes and higher rates of incarceration and drug abuse. That's because Native Hawaiians as a group are 16 years younger than the rest of Hawaii's people! In Census 2010 the median age of "Native Hawaiians" in Hawaii was 26, while the median age of the remainder of the population was 42. People at age 26 have far lower incomes, and higher rates of drug abuse and crime than people at age 42 -- it's not race that is the cause of social dysfunction, but rather it's the rebelliousness and hormone-driven emotional excesses of youth. Violent crimes such as shooting, stabbing, or robbery through home invasion deserve more severe prison sentences and are far more likely to be committed by young people. Non-violent crimes like fraud or embezzlement deserve lesser prison sentences and are more likely to be committed by older people. The fact that Native Hawaiians as a race are found guilty of more crimes and serve longer prison sentences than other races does not mean Native Hawaiians are worse criminals or are being discriminated against -- it merely results from the fact that Native Hawaiians on average are 16 years younger than other groups, so it is statistical malpractice to lump an entire racial group together without regard to age when making comparisons between racial groups. The right way to compare income, crime, or incarceration disparities between ethnic groups would be to compare 15-19 year olds of one ethnicity against 15-19 years olds of other ethnicities, then compare 20-24 year-olds, etc.; and also to award fractional tally marks to different ethnic groups in proportion to the fractions of ethnicity in the ancestry or lifestyle of each person whose data are analyzed.

Many people lack a background in mathematics, or are even frightened by it. When they see a news report saying that Native Hawaiians have double the rate of some terrible disease as any other group, or 30% lower income, they take the report at face value because they lack the mathematical sophistication to raise questions about how the data were collected and analyzed. But the reports compiled by the Native Hawaiian grievance industry are created by experts with strong backgrounds in statistical analysis. They SHOULD know better. Some of them certainly DO know better -- they have been told about their statistical malpractice but continue engaging in it. Knowing the truth but proclaiming a falsehood is not merely an unfortunate error -- it is a deliberate LIE. In the Native Hawaiian grievance industry many experts have been knowingly perpetuating lies for many years to get public sympathy, political power, and hundreds of millions of dollars in government and philanthropic grants. It's a SCAM whose costs are measured not only in wasted megabucks but also in heightened racial tension as the racial group who believe they have proof of victimhood demand monetary and political reparations from groups they perceive as their oppressors.

Sadly we remember the legacy of racial entitlements in the U.S. South. There might be two drinking fountains side by side. One had a sign saying "Whites Only." The other had no sign and was available to people of all races (including whites who, of course, never drank there). "Separate but equal" was the law of the land, although in actual practice the segregated facilities available to blacks were grossly unequal. Jim Crow laws and socially established customs mandating racial segregation have taken their rightful place in the dungheap of history -- except in Hawaii where they flourish and worsen as each year goes by. Hawaii's racial entitlement programs have established racial separatism and attitudes of racial supremacy as social norms; and are fueling demands for federal recognition of "Native Hawaiians" as a sovereign Indian tribe. The main justifications offered for racial entitlement programs are claims of racial disparities, which are based on bogus statistical analysis due to deliberate refusal to allocate victimhood to ethnic groups in proportion to the percentage of each ethnicity in the heritage of each victim, and the refusal to compare ethnic group victimhood data within the same age cohorts.

Suppose help is given to people in a race-neutral way based on need alone. Then "Native Hawaiians" will automatically get the lion's share of the help, if "Native Hawaiians" truly have the worst statistics among all ethnic groups. A 450-page monster book proclaiming and celebrating Native Hawaiian victimhood "studies" over the years was produced by Kamehameha Schools "Policy Analysis and Systems Evaluation" division in 2006 just at the right time to influence debate in the U.S. Senate over the Akaka bill to create a Hawaiian tribe. But a different way to think about that book is to see it as a 450-page proof that "Native Hawaiians" will get more help than other ethnic groups if help is given based on need alone. It is selfish, immoral, and racially divisive for "Native Hawaiians" to demand more government and philanthropic assistance than would be warranted by their actual needs.

RELATED WEBPAGE: On March 1, 2017, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget posted a notice in the Federal Register seeking comments on "Revision of Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity: Proposals From Federal Interagency Working Group". The notice is at
Ken Conklin wrote a webpage in response, and posted a comment on the OMB "regulations" webpage summarizing his webpage and providing a link to it. The title of Conklin's webpage is:
"Factual vs. aspirational answers to the Census race (and gender) question(s) -- special focus on Native Hawaiians. Race statistics are badly skewed when researchers count mixed-race respondents solely as members of the race favored by respondent or researcher. The race question on Census surveys must be asked more precisely so that respondents do not answer aspirationally while news media and researchers assume they answered factually. Aspirational answers should be expected from mixed-race minorities who are politically active in asserting minority rights or demanding racial entitlements." That webpage is at


LIST OF TOPICS. Scroll down to find what interests you.

1. A scholarly article in January 2017 is a "smoking gun" that reveals statistical malpractice in analyzing Native Hawaiian and Caucasian victimhood data. A professor with expertise in statistics, commenting on the article, describes an astonishing statistical experiment confirming the malpractice.

2. Native Hawaiian healthcare act

3. Some lists of Native Hawaiian racial entitlement programs funded by the government with tax dollars, and how much money they have grabbed for one racial group while excluding all others

4. In-depth analyses of Native Hawaiian victimhood claims and how they are used for political purposes

5. "Native Hawaiian Victimhood Claims -- What Are They? Why Are They Being Asserted? How Can the Bad Statistics Be Explained?"

6. "The Hawaiian Grievance Industry -- Panhandling for Race-Based Handouts and Political Power"

7. How the Obama Family Will Benefit from the Caucasian Government Reorganization Act of 2040

8. Gordon Pang, "Forced assimilation may hurt Hawaiians" Honolulu Advertiser, June 20, 2005. This "news report" is a typical combination of junk history and junk science fueling the Hawaiian grievance industry. 30-page analysis of the statistical, historical, and moral issues raised by this newspaper article, together with citations of numerous articles claiming historical grievances and current victimhood statistics

9. "Legacy of A Broken Heart"

10. Gordon Y.K. Pang, "Data show Native Hawaiians lag" Honolulu Advertiser, Tuesday, September 13, 2005.

11. Ethnic Hawaiians Disproportionately Incarcerated? Not!

12. "Census 2010 Native Hawaiian data -- some political implications for the Akaka bill, Act 195 state recognized tribe, and the Hawaiian grievance industry racial victimhood allegations"
Topics include
* 80,337 "pure Hawaiians" in Hawaii? and 156,146 nationwide?
* 527,077 "Native Hawaiians" nationwide including 289,970 in Hawaii;
* In 2010 the median age of Native Hawaiians in Hawaii was only 26, compared to a median age of 42 for the rest of Hawaii's people;
* Failure to consider blood quantum causes huge distortions when interpreting data.

13. Warnings have been given to the Hawaiian grievance industry about statistical malpractice but the warnings have been ignored

14. Native Hawaiians As the State Pet or Mascot: A Psychological Analysis of Why the People of Hawaii Tolerate and Irrationally Support Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism

15. What does the United States owe to Native Hawaiians?



The article is Yanyan Wu PhD; Kathryn Braun DrPH; Alvin T. Onaka PhD; Brian Y. Horiuchi MPH; Caryn J. Tottori MA; Lynne Wilkens DrPH, "Life Expectancies in Hawai'i: A Multi-ethnic Analysis of 2010 Life Tables" Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, Vol 76, No 1, January 2017, pp. 9-14.

Abstract (p. 9)
The objective of this study is to examine longevity disparities in Hawai'i by race/ethnicity and gender based on age-specific death rates in 2010. Abridged life tables for Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Hawaiians, and Caucasians in Hawai‘i are presented for the age groups: <1, 1-4, every 5-year interval from 5-84, and 85+ years for the year of 2010. Death data were provided by the Hawai‘i Department of Health Office of Health Status Monitoring, and population data were based on 2010 Census modified based on ethnicity estimates from the Hawai‘i Health Survey. Life expectancy at birth in Hawai‘i has increased consistently from 69.5 years in 1950 to 82.4 years in 2010. Longevity disparities seen in past decades continue to persist between the longest-living groups, Japanese and Chinese, and the shortest-living group, Native Hawaiians, with a gap of approximately 10 years. In addition, females lived 6 years longer than males on average. Racial/ethnic disparities in longevity can be partially explained by differences in socioeconomic status, health behaviors, health care access, and racism. Native Hawaiians continue to have the shortest life expectancy of the ethnic groups examined, requiring expanded efforts to address Native Hawaiian health across the life course. Our findings also support more ethnic-specific research to understand the health care needs and utilization patterns of each group.

Data and Methods (p. 9, last paragraph, the "smoking gun")
The ethnic categorization schema of the HHS differs from that of the US Census. It is based on paternal ethnicity for mixed offspring, with exceptions for Caucasians and Native Hawaiians. When only one parent is Caucasian, the child takes the ethnicity of the non-Caucasian parent, and when one parent is Hawaiian or part-Hawaiian, the child is classified part-Hawaiian regardless of the other parent’s ethnicity.8 For this study, we combined pure Hawaiians and part Hawaiians (under the term “Native Hawaiian”, indicating that the individual can trace his/her ancestry to pre-colonization), as the number of full-blood Hawaiians is small.9 Because the HHS classification system is used for death records, HHS population estimates are a better match than US Census estimates in constructing life tables.


Ken Conklin's comments:

The "Data and Methods" section discloses the way victimhood is attributed to race or ethnicity. Anyone with even a single drop of Hawaiian native blood is classified as "Native Hawaiian" and solely as Native Hawaiian. The opposite sort of one-drop rule is used when counting Caucasians. A person who is 99% Caucasian might be classified as Filipino merely because the father self-identifies as Filipino, regardless of his other heritages which could be predominant; and because the Caucasian mother's heritage is completely ignored. These two applications of the one-drop rule grossly increase the apparent level of Native Hawaiian victimhood while also reducing the apparent level of Caucasian victimhood. An accurate assessment could be provided if researchers had the courage to ask the politically incorrect but scientifically essential question: What are you? What racial groups are present in your ancestry, and what is the percentage of each one? The percentage of a victim's ancestry or lifestyle that is attributable to any particular ethnic group would then be the percentage of a tally mark awarded to that ethnic group's victimhood.

Assigning a full tally mark to an ethnicity that is only a small fraction of a victim's racial ancestry or lifestyle carries the obviously false assumption that even a small bit of Hawaiian-ness is so powerfully poisonous that it causes the full level of disaster to the victim.

I confess that I have never before read the Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health. The article was called to my attention by a whistleblower -- a professor with a Ph.D. and expertise in statistical analysis who is on the graduate school faculty of one of Hawaii's major universities. Because the professor might suffer abuse, persecution, or loss of professional opportunities as retaliation for bringing this article to my attention and for additional comments in a followup email, I am protecting the identity of my informant by concealing the professor's name, gender, and institutional affiliation.

Professor sent me the article's title and URL in a brief email including the comment "You will especially love their "ethnicity" definition(s) for NH."


I replied with a lengthy email. Here's part of my reply. [Webpage URLs I sent to Professor are included in later portions of this current essay.]

I'm guessing you sent me this article because you are apparently aware of my webpages analyzing the bogus manner in which victimhood statistics for "Native Hawaiians" are deliberately skewed to make them appear to be the worst victims for all manner of diseases and social dysfunction, thereby providing public sympathy for "poor downtrodden" Hawaiians and political support for race-based sovereignty.

Thank you for sending me this scholarly study.

One of the best things about it is the charting of data by 5-year age cohorts. As you may know, I have discovered that according to Census 2010 the median age of "Native Hawaiians" in Hawaii is 26, whereas the median age for everyone else who lacks Hawaiian native ancestry is 42. That huge age discrepancy badly skews the public policy discussion regarding issues such as drug abuse, incarceration, income, etc.; because crime -- especially violent crime -- is a sin of youth, not necessarily related to ethnicity; and because someone age 26 will of course have a much lower income than someone at the age of 42 who is well-established in a career. But more significantly, nobody who does data analysis of Native Hawaiian victimhood takes into account issues of blood quantum. Someone with only one drop of Hawaiian blood gets counted as "Native Hawaiian" exclusively, without also counting him as being whatever ethnicity is the largest portion of his ancestry, or better yet, giving fractional tally marks for each ethnicity that has that fraction of his ancestry. I might add that another statistical technique I have never seen used would be to graph the percentage of Hawaiian blood compared with the frequency of victimhood for any specific disease or social dysfunction, in order to discover whether a higher percentage of Hawaiian native ancestry is correlated with (and perhaps causative of) a higher level of victimhood. Perhaps you could use your own academic affiliations to conduct such studies.

One of the worst things about it [the article] is the way people were counted as "Native Hawaiian" as described in the last paragraph of page 9, and also the way the Caucasian category was greatly reduced by allocating mixed-ancestry people to the ascribed ethnicity of the non-Caucasian parent.

Thanks again for thinking of me, and please keep me informed if you come across any studies allocating fractional tally marks to each ethnicity in a person's ancestry, or any studies analyzing whether percentage of ethnic ancestry is correlated with percentage of victimhood (Hawaiians with higher blood quantum are worse victims than Hawaiians with low blood quantum), or whether the age gap is accounted for, or whether a social behavior definition of ethnicity results in different statistical results from a genetic definition (maybe define a Hawaiian as someone who eats fish and poi, who prays to the ancient gods, who goes to the taro patch at least once per week, etc. -- develop a taxonomy of Hawaiian-ness, assign points to various behaviors, then see who gets breast cancer or gets incarcerated). Perhaps you might conduct such data analyses yourself as part of your research in academia.

In closing let me inform you of a big event at the state Capitol on Tuesday January 17 which you might want to attend (but I will not be there)
The purpose of this informational briefing is to receive an update on the findings and recommendations, by the Native Hawaiian Health Task Force created by the University of Hawai‘i John A. Burns School of Medicine and the Senate of the Twenty-Seventh Legislature of the State on Hawai‘i, Regular Session of 2014 through Resolution 60, S.D.1.


Professor wrote back:

Ken: Thanks for the info.... I have been following your writing for awhile now (Civic beat and your websites).... I used to work at the State Dept. of Health.

The default ethnicity category the DOH uses (for pretty much all statistics where they use 'ethnicity') is:

If any Native Hawaiian=then Native Hawaiian.

Once we were looking at data on child deaths and there was a majority of Native Hawaiian child deaths. So, I asked the (Chinese) statistician (on a lark) to try this formula:

If any Filipino=then Filipino.... all of sudden the statistics changed and the majority of child deaths were among Filipinos!

Another time, I had a student who was looking at obesity... she allowed up to five 'ethnicity' categories.... for a school in Waianae and one in town. Lo and behold, almost all of the children had five or more 'ethnicities'.

At some point it is (or will become) ridiculous to use ethnicity in Hawaii.... but it is still useful for NH victimhood.

Also, the only health disparities that both UH and DOH seem to look at are ethnic disparities, and especially NH disparities, when in fact most of the health disparities are related to class (income/poverty, education and smoking).

Keep up the good work!





The Native Hawaiian Healthcare Act is congressional legislation that establishes a healthcare system in Hawaii that is racially exclusionary, solely for the benefit of "Native Hawaiians" (anyone with at least one drop of Hawaiian native blood is eligible, but nobody else). Like many federal programs, the legislation expires after a few years and must be renewed. Also like most legislation, the bill contains a preamble consisting of dozens of "findings" which explain why the program is necessary. The findings put Congress on record as affirming numerous statements about history, culture, special needs of particular groups, etc. -- the statements might not be factually correct, and might not be logically relevant to the purpose of the bill; but legislators like to score points with their constituents by saying things they want to hear. The findings can be cited by attorneys to persuade judges regarding what was the intent of Congress, to provide justifications which government agencies can cite when they engage in rule-making to implement the bill, and to establish a precedent for future legislation that is more strident or deals with other topics.

Here are two webpages that provided detailed analyses of the "findings" in the Native Hawaiian Healthcare Act on two different occasions when it came up for Congressional reauthorization. Many of the findings are highly controversial or actually false but are asserted as fact; and many are conclusions based on bogus statistical analyses which categorize victims as Native Hawaiian despite the fact that most of them have a low percentage of Hawaiian native ancestry.

In the 106th Congress, 1999-2000, the bill in the Senate had the number S.1929 and did not pass (its large bill-number indicates it got a late start). In the 107th Congress, 2001-2002, the bill was basically the same and was in the Senate as S.87 and simultaneously in the House as companion bill H.R.562 See webpage "S1929 federal legislation to provide racial entitlement for healthcare: point-by-point rebuttal of false and twisted historical and legal claims buried in the fine print by sovereignty activists" at

In the 112th Congress, 2011-2012, the bill in the Senate was S.66. See webpage "S.66, the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement bill in the 112th Congress -- Reauthorizing an ineffective but socially dangerous pork-barrel waste of taxpayer dollars" at



It should be emphasized that Native Hawaiians apply for and receive benefits from all the welfare and healthcare programs available to all the people of Hawaii. But the programs described here are exclusively for Native Hawaiians, and nobody who lacks Hawaiian native ancestry can receive benefits from them. There are no other racial groups who have government-funded entitlement programs exclusively for their benefit. The result of these programs is racial segregation in the management and payout of government-sponsored social welfare programs. Powerful race-based institutions dependent on government money keep growing larger -- institutions which use bogus victimhood statistics to influence public opinion and pressure the government for more money.

Native Hawaiian Racial Entitlement Programs Valued in the Billions of Dollars -- Description and List of Many [2003-2004]

Spreadsheet listing SOME of the Hawaiian racial entitlement programs during the years 2002 through 2014. The programs in this list totaled $419 Million.

In Summer 2002 research was done for plaintiffs in the Arakaki2 lawsuit showing astonishing amounts of state government money spent for OHA and DHHL. For details, see: OHA and DHHL Cost to State of Hawai'i Treasury: $1 Billion to Date. Estimate for Next Ten Years: $2 Billion More at the Current Expenditure Rate. See Spreadsheets On This Webpage for Details.

Perhaps a decade ago the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii assembled a webpage identifying more than 850 racial entitlement programs benefitting Native Hawaiians exclusively. The webpage provided the name of each program, its stated purpose, how much money was allocated to it, etc. Unfortunately that webpage was disrupted but has now been partially restored. Several other webpages on the same topic are also available. All these programs, valued into the Billions of dollars, are paid for by tax dollars from the governments of the United States and the State of Hawaii. See:



"Native Hawaiian Victimhood Claims -- What Are They? Why Are They Being Asserted? How Can the Bad Statistics Be Explained?" Note that this webpage was written using data from Census 2000 when the age gap was only 14 years. The 16-year age gap disclosed by the 2010 Census makes the statistical malpractice even worse.
A relatively short summary is at
The detailed analysis is at


"The Hawaiian Grievance Industry -- Panhandling for Race-Based Handouts and Political Power"

Summary: One of the strange things about politics in Hawai'i is the aggressiveness of racial profiling and racial stereotyping for fun and profit. ... racial profiling comes from saying that (all) ethnic Hawaiians (as a group) are poor and downtrodden, having the worst statistics for poverty, disease, poor education, alcohol and drug abuse, mental illness, family dysfunction, incarceration, etc. Spokesmen for this racial group are extremely zealous in embracing and publicly asserting this derogatory stereotype! Advocates of "political correctness" and non-discrimination tell us we must never discriminate against anyone simply because he was born into a group that is stereotyped as evil, disgusting, or dangerous. On the other hand, we are told we must discriminate in favor of members of this group and against members of other groups, by giving every individual member of the favored racial group loads of goodies not given to non-members.


How the Obama Family Will Benefit from the Caucasian Government Reorganization Act of 2040


The absurdity of the way victimhood is fully attributed to the "Native Hawaiian" racial group even when the victim has low native blood quantum is clearly illustrated in this webpage which poses a hypothetical future when Caucasians are a poor, downtrodden minority group throughout the United States and are given the same racial entitlement programs "for Caucasians only" which are currently given to Native Hawaiians. Congress passes the Caucasian Government Reorganization Act of 2040 to create a Caucasian Governing Entity and to establish a U.S. Office of Caucasian Affairs. The job of the OCA will be to oversee federal handouts for Caucasians and coordinate Caucasian racial entitlement programs among various federal departments and state governments.

The elderly former president Barack Obama and his wife Michelle and their children will be eligible for membership in the Caucasian Governing Entity because they are Caucasians. Everyone knows that Barack's mother was Caucasian, so Barack has 50% Caucasian blood and is eligible for a 99 year lease at one dollar per year on a Caucasian homestead. The New York Times on October 8, 2009 published details of careful research into Michelle Obama's genealogy including an interactive family tree with mouse-over information about each known member through six generations: her great-great-great grandfather was a Caucasian slave owner, thus giving her 1/32 Caucasian blood quantum and making her eligible for all Caucasian entitlement programs except a homestead lease. Barack and Michelle's daughters Malia and Sasha each have 17/64 Caucasian blood, so neither of them qualify for a homestead lease in their own right because that requires 50% Caucasian blood quantum. However, either Malia or Sasha would be eligible to inherit Barack's homestead lease, since the right to inherit requires only 25% quantum. Of course, if any members of this family, or their still more Caucasian-attenuated descendants down through future generations forever, suffer disease, drug abuse or incarceration then their victimhood will be awarded 100% to the Caucasian race and not at all to their Black ancestry, including Michelle right now who is 97% Black.


"Gordon Pang, "Forced assimilation may hurt Hawaiians" Honolulu Advertiser, June 20, 2005. This "news report" is a typical combination of junk history and junk science fueling the Hawaiian grievance industry. For a 30-page analysis of the statistical, historical, and moral issues raised by this newspaper article, together with citations of numerous articles claiming historical grievances and current victimhood statistics, see:

Summary: It is junk-history to say that Hawaiian natives were forced to assimilate. It is junk-science to say that ethnic Hawaiians have the worst statistics for health, longevity, and social success. Putting the two together to assert that the forced assimilation of native Hawaiians is the primary cause of misery for today's descendants is a typical phony victimhood claim to fuel the Hawaiian grievance industry. Such claims are asserted to make the general population feel guilt and sympathy so they will support demands for money and political power. Ethnic Hawaiian institutions have grown wealthy and powerful by doing "studies" to release for propaganda value and to cite in applications for government and philanthropic grants to do more studies. It seems likely that genetics could be the primary cause of whatever health and social deficits may exist. One way to solve such a genetic problem would be to give race-based political sovereignty to ethnic Hawaiians so they could abolish private property rights, give control to local land tsars (ahupua'a konohiki), and remake the environment to suit ethnic Hawaiian needs. The other way to solve a genetic problem would be to study and re-engineer the Hawaiian genome so gene therapy would allow individuals to thrive under present circumstances. The first option is unacceptable to the general population; while the second option violates religious and cultural values espoused by Hawaiian activists. Perhaps it's time to pull the plug on junk-history and junk-science. Government and philanthropic grants should be given to solve health problems regardless of the race of the victims. If ethnic Hawaiians truly have a higher incidence of health problems, then they will automatically receive a higher proportion of available funds without any need for racial designation.


'Iwalani R.N. Else Ph.D., "The Breakdown of the Kapu System and Its Effect on Native Hawaiian Health and Diet." (Hulili: Multidisciplinary Research on Hawaiian Well-Being, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004, pp. 241-255)
Formerly available (2004) at
Currently available (retrieved on 1/18/17) at

Summary: Abolishing the old religion (nearly 200 years ago!) is responsible for bad health statistics among today's ethnic Hawaiians, and the solution might be Dr. Shintani's "Wai'anae" diet based on poi and other traditional foods. "Since 'discovery' in 1778 by Captain James Cook, Native Hawaiian culture and practices have changed substantially. In a land they once called their own, Native Hawaiians found themselves alienated not only from the land, but also from themselves and others. This article focuses on historical changes in Hawai'i and how the breakdown of the precontact system in Hawai'i led to the adoption of Western culture and practices. In particular, the article examines how diet changes affected general health of Native Hawaiians."

Ken Conklin's comment: No cause-and-effect relationship is argued, and no comparison between ethnic Hawaiians and other ethnic groups is offered to see whether switching from high-fat fast-food diets to the Wai'anae diet is especially good for Hawaiians, or whether it is equally helpful to all ethnic groups. The report merely provides a review of the ancient Hawaiian taboo system and some of the changes that took place, interspersed with modern statistics focusing on high rates of metabolic diseases among ethnic Hawaiians. The report is mostly propaganda, using the device of mentioning two different things at the same time as a way of implying (but never proving) that one is the cause of the other. "The Breakdown of the Kapu System and Its Effect on Native Hawaiian Health and Diet" is a victimhood grievance essay blaming the (alleged) poor health of today's ethnic Hawaiians on social changes caused by Western contact 239 years ago.


The Ho'olokahi Program ~ Mawaena Team: Natalie Luong-Weeks, Lara Lee, Ethan Small
Faculty: Stephanie Bell, MSW, LSW, DCSW; Donald Durr, MSW, LSW, CSAC
"Legacy of A Broken Heart"
Formerly available at
But currently seems to be no longer available anywhere.

This article reviews the Native Hawaiians’ health-status and socio-economic survival in general, and the co-morbidity of depression and cardiovascular disease in particular. The etiology of chronic depression among Native Hawaiians is examined in theoretical paradigms that take into account the historical context of colonization and cultural disintegration. An argument is made to assert that the severe psychological effects of cultural conflict and acculturation of Native Hawaiians are reflected by their poor physical health status, notably the high mortality rate for heart disease. Special attention is given to the discussion of sovereignty as a solution to the survival of the Native Hawaiian people.


"Heart Disease and Depression Statistics
Heart disease is the number one chronic disease among the Native Hawaiians 35 years of age and older (Akau, et al., 1998). Hypertension, cerebrovascular disease and atherosclerosis are among the circulatory diseases that define cardiovascular disease. When comparing the five major causes of death in the Hawaiian population, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, accidents, and pneumonia, to other races within the State of Hawai`i, the Native Hawaiian population holds the highest mortality rate for all five causes (Johnson, et al., 1998). In 1998, the incidence of heart disease among the Native Hawaiian people was 1.3 times higher than that for other racial groups (Native Hawaiian Data Book, 1998). (Figure 1)""

"The Depression and Heart Disease Connection: A Psycho-physiological Model
For the past 20 years, researchers in the biomedical community have suggested that there is a strong link between depression and heart disease. Traditional researchers have increasingly recognized the importance of psychological factors in the etiology of disease, prevention, and recovery. Recent studies have shown that depression is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Also accumulating is evidence showing that depressive symptomalogy precedes the onset of coronary syndromes and influences the course of CVD after their manifestation. (Appels, 1997) In this article, we examine the two areas of variables affecting the onset of cardiovascular disease: factors residing in the social environment and factors residing in the individual (Figure 5). The double-headed arrow between the two areas signifies the importance of the person-environment interaction. Arguments will be presented to demonstrate that variables in the environmental and individual domains may affect disease onset through physiological means (Adler & Matthews, 1994)."

"Conclusion: ... According to sovereignty advocate Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell, revitalization of the cultural past is the key for reviving and restoring the Hawaiian nation. Through colonization, the lands and people of Hawai`i have been exploited and depopulated. To survive as a nation, the movement believes that people of Hawai`i must recover their identity, customs, traditions, and the right to self-determination and self-reliance (Harden, M.J., 1999). It is hoped that, with the return of cultural pride, the Hawaiian race will reclaim sovereignty and the mana of their powerful ancestors within. "If there's misfortune, such as ill health, that means loss of pono with loss of mana. And therefore diagnosis is a matter of finding out how this has come about, and treatment is a matter of restoring pono. That's the underlying basis for wellness, which is more than physical health versus sickness. A health practitioner is one who facilitates this process of maintaining and restoring pono and mana.” (Kekuni Blaisdell, 1999)."


Gordon Y.K. Pang, "Data show Native Hawaiians lag" Honolulu Advertiser, Tuesday, September 13, 2005.


"Native Hawaiians, as a whole, continue to lag behind the rest of the state in the areas of social, economic, physical, emotional and cognitive well-being despite some recent gains, according to a new, 450-page study being released this month by Kamehameha Schools. The findings in "Ka Huaka'i: 2005 Native Hawaiian Educational Assessment," gives Kamehameha and other agencies that serve Native Hawaiians a new weapon as they seek to stave off lawsuits that challenge their Hawaiians-first preference policies. The study derives nearly all of its data from other sources. But while much of the information is not new, it binds it into one source book that gives weight to the argument that Native Hawaiians, as a category, have greater needs than other ethnic groups in the state. ... "It's basically the same story that we've been telling for the last 20 years," said Shawn Malia Kana'iaupuni, director of Kamehameha's Policy Analysis and System Evaluation team. "When you look at the data, you can see that whether you're looking at economic needs, physical health, material resources or other types of social indicators, the averages for Native Hawaiians are lower than other groups."

"... Native Hawaiian families make a mean income of $55,865, substantially less than the $66,413 statewide average for two-parent families with school-aged children. A separate table in the 2000 Census shows Hawaiians are under-represented in managerial and professional occupations. Only 22.8 percent of Native Hawaiians reported being in management and professional ranks, second only to the 18.3 percent of Filipinos who put themselves in that category. The statewide average was 32.2 percent. ... The rate of child abuse and neglect cases among Native Hawaiians was more than twice the rates of other major ethnic groups and has been steadily increasing. Native Hawaiians, on the whole, have disproportionately higher rates of substance abuse, arrest and incarceration than other groups."

Ken Conklin's comment: Notice how the statistics reported in the newspaper article compare the entire group of ethnic Hawaiians against the rest of Hawaii's population, without mentioning the fact that the median age of ethnic Hawaiians is 26 while the median age of everyone else is 42; and without mentioning that most "Native Hawaiians" have most of their ancestry being NOT Native Hawaiian (and thus other ethnicities are entitled to a majority of the victimhood which the news report awards to Native Hawaiians). Of course people who are barely into adulthood have lower income, lower rank in their professions, and higher rates of child abuse, drug abuse, arrest and incarceration. Indeed, the greatly older average age of people with no Hawaiian blood indicates that a far larger number of them do not have any children in their homes that they could abuse, thus explaining why child abuse is lower for the non-ethnic-Hawaiian groups than for "Native Hawaiians." If newspaper reporter Gordon Pang did not understand how the statistics were gathered then he should not be reporting them; but if he did understand, then he is knowingly perpetrating the statistical malpractice and propaganda scam so beloved by the Hawaiian grievance industry. In view of the other Gordon Pang "news report" reviewed previously -- "Forced assimilation may hurt Hawaiians" -- it's clear that Gordon Pang is a propagandist knowingly aiding and abetting a fraud. Several years ago the newspaper editors finally removed Pang from being the "ethnic news" reporter and assigned him to cover Honolulu city government, where his reporting is more objective.

The spectacularly beautiful 20-page executive summary, with horrible victimhood statistics written on the beautiful petals of plumeria blossoms, was formerly available at
Neither the 452-page propaganda book mentioned in the newspaper article, nor the executive summary, are available anymore on the Kamehameha Schools website, perhaps because the PASE division has been given a different name and subpage URL. However the book, with a less spectacular executive summary included, is available at
The entire book can be downloaded as a single pdf file, or individual parts and chapters and pictures can be downloaded; and there's an internal search engine. Enjoy!


Ethnic Hawaiians Disproportionately Incarcerated? Not!


In September 2010 the State of Hawaii Office of Hawaiian Affairs issued a report entitled "The Disparate Treatment of Native Hawaiians in the Criminal Justice System." The full report had about 100 pages, with many pages devoted to artistic glossy photos of taro plants and taro patches. In late December 2012 OHA issued a followup 32-page item: "The Native Hawaiian Justice Task Force Report." There's no date on the document (and it has only a few photos of an individual taro stalk!). On December 28 the Honolulu Star-Advertiser published a sycophantic news report about it, probably derived almost entirely from OHA's press release. The online article included a flash-player video news report from Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL. Other Hawaii media also pushed OHA's propaganda.

A detailed rebuttal to OHA's September 28, 2010 "study" was published by Kenneth Conklin, Ph.D., on October 4, 2010, and updated in June 2012. See

What the OHA report said, and how the underlying study was conducted: Data collected and analyzed in secret was then destroyed, making peer review impossible. OHA and the group who produced this "study" should be embarrassed if their methods are compared with legitimate work done by scientists developing new drugs or reporting experiments in physics, biology, etc. Slick, artistically composed pages show that the purpose of the report is political propaganda rather than scientific scrutiny. Emotional appeals are made to a creation legend from the ancient Hawaiian religion, and the report is filled with emotionally rousing artistic photos of taro patches (because taro plays a key role in that creation legend). Unverifiable claims are made that ethnic Hawaiians suffer more trauma than other races when sent to prisons outside Hawaii, because their spiritual link to the land is broken. Slick, artistically composed pages show that the purpose of the report is political propaganda rather than scientific scrutiny. Emotional appeals are made to a creation legend from the ancient Hawaiian religion, and the report is filled with emotionally rousing artistic photos of taro patches (because taro plays a key role in that creation legend). Unverifiable claims are made that ethnic Hawaiians suffer more trauma than other races when sent to prisons outside Hawaii, because their spiritual link to the land is broken.

The scurrilous, socially poisonous allegation of racially disparate treatment by the criminal justice system is false. The evidence offered to support it is statistically absurd, for two main reasons. The fact that the average age of Native Hawaiians is only 26 while the average age of everyone else in Hawaii is 42 shows that the alleged disparities in arrests and incarceration are because they are youthful, not because ethnic Hawaiians are either bad people or are being discriminated against. And the fact that most so-called "Native Hawaiians" have most of their ancestry from Asian and European groups shows that most of the arrests and incarceration allegedly attributable to being "Native Hawaiian" should actually be attributed to other ethnicities.

Here's a "crime and punishment" metaphor to sum it up. A crime has been committed, and Conklin's analysis proves the means, motive, and opportunity. The crime is an assault upon the people of the State of Hawaii and the sovereignty of our government. The means is a report by OHA alleging disparate treatment of ethnic Hawaiians by the judiciary and the criminal justice system. The motive is to weaken the confidence of Hawaii's people in our expectation of equal justice under the law, and thereby to promote establishment of a new race-based government exclusively for ethnic Hawaiians; and eventually to rip the 50th star off the flag. The opportunity was a major grant of tax dollars from the state Legislature to OHA to provide funding for the study. Why would the state government provide funding for a project to undermine its own authority? Why should the legislature appropriate tax dollars for OHA even though OHA already has hundreds of millions of dollars hoarded over the years and invested out of state, plus an assured flow of more millions every year? In this case, the state gave the money with benevolent intentions to make sure it provides equal justice under the law. There have been complaints alleging disparate treatment of ethnic Hawaiians, so the government wants to know whether the complaints are true and if so how to fix the problem. Ethnic Hawaiians are the state's favorite racial group, so we want to make sure they are treated well. But as usual, racial partisans have grabbed the money and used it for an evil purpose. No good deed goes unpunished.


"Census 2010 Native Hawaiian data -- some political implications for the Akaka bill, Act 195 state recognized tribe, and the Hawaiian grievance industry racial victimhood allegations" at


Data focused on Native Hawaiians from Census 2010 are examined. Those data have important political implications for Hawaii and all of America regarding the Akaka bill and/or Act 195 state-recognized tribe; and regarding victimhood claims asserted by the Hawaiian grievance industry as a way of demanding sympathy, money, and political power.

Topics discussed include:

Why single out Native Hawaiians for scrutiny? (Answer: There is no other ethnic group in Hawaii that has some of its leaders pursuing racial separatism, demanding to create a race-based government empowered with land, money, and jurisdictional authority.)

80,337 "pure Hawaiians" in Hawaii, and 156,146 nationwide. Really?
That's how many people checked ONLY the race box for "Native Hawaiian" even though the instructions were clear that people could check multiple boxes reflecting multiple ancestries. In reality there are probably fewer than 5,000 people with 100% Hawaiian native blood. That means 75,000 people in Hawaii and 151,000 people nationwide are so zealous about Hawaiian activism that they chose to ignore and disrespect their non-native ancestors, even when those non-natives comprise most of their heritage.

527,077 "Native Hawaiians" nationwide including 289,970 in Hawaii
That's how many people checked the race box for "Native Hawaiian" with or without also checking additional race boxes. In Hawaii that's an increase of 21% above year 2000, while nationwide it's an increase of 31%. Clearly Hawaiians are thriving and making lots of babies, even more on the continent than in Hawaii. One explanation for Native Hawaiian fertility is that their average age is only 26, while the average age for the rest of Hawaii's people is 42 (see below) and thus most are beyond the usual age for childbearing. Another explanation is that Hawaiian culture, including large extended families and being on welfare for multiple generations, seems not only open but welcoming to making "illegitimate babies" by contrast to other cultures. Indeed, some Hawaiian activists publicly encourage Hawaiian girls to make lots of babies, with or without marriage. Because it's not only fun, but also serves "the lahui" as a way to gain political power by becoming a larger percentage of the population. See "Native Hawaiian Population To Double by 2050 -- Lilikala Says Use Population Bomb to Blow Up Current Non-Native Majority"

Should Hawaii taxpayers give benefits to a quarter million outsiders?

In 2010 the median age of Native Hawaiians in Hawaii was only 26, compared to a median age of 42 for the rest of Hawaii's people.

Failure to consider blood quantum causes huge distortions when interpreting data.

The Hawaiian grievance industry has been warned about distorting data by ignoring age gap and blood quantum, but ignores the warning.

Endnotes and sources (Native Hawaiian and State of Hawaii first, followed by Indian tribes, Blacks, and Hispanics)



In April 2006 the Hawaiian grievance industry was put on notice about the importance of blood quantum and age gap, in a paper entitled "Native Hawaiian Well-Being Statistics -- Suggestions for Improving How Data Are Gathered and Analyzed to Make Them More Useful for Scientific Study and Remedial Programs." Ken Conklin, the author, submitted the paper to the headquarters of the Hawaiian grievance industry, at that time known as the Policy Analysis and Systems Evaluation (PASE) division of Kamehameha Schools. It was submitted for Volume 3 of "Hulili" and for their annual lavish pity-party gathering to celebrate old, new, and repackaged victimhood statistics. The article was, of course, rejected by the editors. But it can be seen at

In that essay, readers will especially enjoy Conklin's comments about a published study showing that left-handed women have higher rates of breast cancer than right-handed women, and that the disproportionate victimhood for left-handed women is worse than the disproportionate victimhood for ethnic Hawaiians; therefore if social welfare funding is directed based on victimhood data, then government and philanthropic grants for studying or screening or treating breast cancer should be removed from "Native Hawaiians" and given to left-handed women of all races.


NATIVE HAWAIIANS AS THE STATE PET OR MASCOT: A Psychological Analysis of Why the People of Hawaii Tolerate and Irrationally Support Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism


Racial separatism and ethnic nationalism are the two evil faces of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. But even when the evil is exposed -- even when the historical, legal, and moral claims are shown to be wrong -- many people nevertheless feel that ethnic Hawaiians somehow deserve special, race-specific, favorable treatment as a group. Why? When reason, logic, and common-sense all show that the sovereignty activists are wrong, why do so many of Hawai'i's people still support their absurd demands? It is not rational. It is emotional. This essay will explain such irrational support as being an example of a psychological reflex mechanism called the "mascot syndrome." By understanding how the syndrome works, we can hope to avoid falling prey to it.

Ethnic Hawaiians as a racial group are treated as the unofficial pet or mascot of Hawai'i, with or without the approval of the individuals thus stigmatized. The Hawaiian sovereignty movement has been successful in portraying ethnic Hawaiians as poor, downtrodden people dealt a bad hand by history. This is racial profiling by the Hawaiian grievance industry to play the blame game, making non-Hawaiians feel guilty for alleged debts that can never be repaid. It wrongly categorizes all people with a drop of Hawaiian blood as being needy and being desirous of receiving government assistance through racially exclusionary agencies.

The mascot syndrome is a blow to the pride of the vast majority of ethnic Hawaiians who live, work, and pray side-by-side with their non-Hawaiian friends and neighbors, succeeding and failing just like everyone else. It divides Hawai'i along racial lines, and threatens the Aloha Spirit.



Two reports commissioned by Congress contain the answers, which are directly applicable to the efforts to create a sovereign Native Hawaiian government either through the Akaka bill or through the newer regulation proclaimed by the U.S. Department of Interior.

The Morgan Report (U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, 1894, 808 pages) concluded the U.S. did not conspire with the revolutionists to overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy, and did not help them while it was underway.

Congress authorized and funded the Native Hawaiians Study Commission, which worked for several years taking testimony and gathering data. A draft report was circulated to solicit comments. The final report was delivered to Senate and House committees in 1983. It concluded there is no historical, legal, or moral obligation for the United States to provide race-based benefits, group rights, or political sovereignty to ethnic Hawaiians. The NHSC report concluded that if studies show that Native Hawaiians have more severe health problems or greater social dysfunction than other ethnic groups, the correct way for government to help is not to provide racially discriminatory entitlement programs but rather to make extra outreach efforts to ensure that they are aware of and have access to the same social welfare programs that are available to everyone in need. Of course the Hawaiian grievance industry objected, and produced a minority report. For many years only the minority report was available on the internet, because zealous activists did the work to make it available and to harass anyone seeking to publicize the majority report. Finally the Grassroot Institute made the majority report available on the internet.

Summaries of the conclusions, and links to the Morgan Report and the Native Hawaiians Study Commission report, are in a webpage at


Send comments or questions to:

On March 1, 2017, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget posted a notice in the Federal Register seeking comments on "Revision of Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity: Proposals From Federal Interagency Working Group". The notice is at
Ken Conklin wrote a webpage in response, and posted a comment on the OMB "regulations" webpage summarizing his webpage and providing a link to it. The title of Conklin's webpage is:
"Factual vs. aspirational answers to the Census race (and gender) question(s) -- special focus on Native Hawaiians. Race statistics are badly skewed when researchers count mixed-race respondents solely as members of the race favored by respondent or researcher. The race question on Census surveys must be asked more precisely so that respondents do not answer aspirationally while news media and researchers assume they answered factually. Aspirational answers should be expected from mixed-race minorities who are politically active in asserting minority rights or demanding racial entitlements." That webpage is at