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History of efforts to create a Hawaiian tribe during the 118th Congress (January 2023 through December 2024), including efforts to create a state-recognized tribe and efforts to get federal recognition through Dept. of Interior regulation, executive order, or Congressional legislation; and efforts to get local and international recognition of an alleged continuing independent nation of Hawaii.

(c) Copyright 2023-2024 Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D. All rights reserved

On this page is the history of efforts to create a Hawaiian tribe during the 118th Congress (January 2023 through December 2024), including efforts to create a state-recognized tribe and efforts to get federal recognition through Dept. of Interior regulation, executive order, or Congressional legislation; and efforts to get local and international recognition of an alleged continuing independent nation of Hawaii.

The index below outlines a collection of all significant news reports, editorials, commentaries, letters to editor, cartoons, bills in the Hawaii state legislature or the U.S. Congress; sovereignty protests, court activity, and lobbying both locally and internationally; etc.

The index for the entire 2 years of the 118th Congress (January 2023 through December 2024) is shown below, in chronological order, subdivided into several time periods as events unfold. Full text of each news report, commentary, etc. is provided on the subpage for the appropriate time period.

Starting late in 2022 President Biden is implementing a policy of having all government departments, and especially the Department of Interior, consult with "Native Hawaiians" before, during, and after adoption of policy initiatives that affect them, in the same manner as though they are a sovereign federally recognized tribe.



A webpage reviews the history of efforts to get official government recognition of ethnic Hawaiians as a political entity or Indian tribe -- a narrative summary covering 25 years 2000 through 2024, broken into two-year Congressional periods. Each "Congress" has a link to an index for that two year period, broken into sub-indexes in chronological order, linking to webpages providing full text of news reports, commentary, and lawsuits regarding the Akaka bill in Congress, stealth maneuvers by Senator Inouye, Obama Department of Interior regulatory process, Hawaii legislature bills and resolutions, etc.; and efforts to gain local and international recognition of Hawaii as an allegedly continuing independent nation, through protests and lawsuits in Hawaii regarding Mauna Kea and taxes on land, and lobbying activity in the United Nations (both New York and Geneva). Go to

The "Akaka bill" to create a federally recognized Hawaiian tribe was in Congress continuously for 13 years, from summer 2000 through the end of 2012. There were perhaps 20 different versions of the bill; and occasionally two or three versions were pending at the same time. The bill passed the House in three different Congresses. It nearly passed the Senate by stealth at the end of 2000. On several occasions during the 13 years Senator Inouye tried to attach the Akaka bill as a rider to "must-pass" military appropriations bills; including a couple times when he exercised his power as committee chairman to insert it "by reference" as a single sentence "earmark" deep inside those bills at the last minute without consulting other Senators. In later years Inouye also tried to simply add the Hawaiian tribe to the list of federally recognized tribes in a single sentence deep inside the Department of Interior appropriations bill, but his subterfuge was discovered and deleted. The closest it came to passage by normal methods in the Senate was June 2006 when a cloture motion to stop a Republican filibuster was debated for about 6 hours during two days, with dozens of Senators speaking on the floor; but got only 56 votes thereby failing cloture by 4 votes.

In December 2012 Senator Inouye unexpectedly fell ill and was hospitalized and died; at the same time Senator Akaka was in his final few weeks before retiring. Senator Akaka stood on the Senate floor and begged his fellow Senators to pass the bill in tribute to Inouye, but they wisely ignored his plaintive plea. During the 113th Congress from 2013 through 2014 there was no Akaka bill in Congress. Instead, the State of Hawaii Office of Hawaiian Affairs made use of Act 195, Hawaii session laws of 2011, to build a new racial registry and make plans for an election of delegates to write a tribal constitution. Meanwhile the Obama administration began a process of rewriting the rules for federal recognition of Indian tribes generally, and working toward creating a new rule specially formulated to accommodate an expected application from a "tribe" in the process of being created by OHA.

During the 114th Congress from 2015 through 2016, there was no Akaka bill in Congress. Instead, the Obama administration's Department of Interior went through its rule-making process and on October 14, 2016 published in the Federal Register a "final rule" to take effect on November 14, which provides a process whereby ethnic Hawaiians can create a tribe, adopt a tribal constitution, elect tribal chiefs, and apply to the Secretary of Interior for federal recognition. The entire process of creating the "final rule" was done entirely without any Congressional action and without any approval by the State of Hawaii or its people. Also the entire process spelled out in the rule for holding a racially exclusionary election of delegates, writing a tribal Constitution, holding a racially exclusionary vote to approve the tribal Constitution, and applying for and receiving federal recognition as a tribe -- all those things would be done entirely without any Congressional action and without any approval by the State of Hawaii or its people.

The 115th Congress, January 2017 to December 2018, was controlled by Republicans in both the Senate and House, while President Donald Trump was also a Republican. Throughout the entire 115th Congress there was nothing like the Akaka bill. Racial entitlement programs for ethnic Hawaiians were occasionally attacked in Congress when their reauthorization bills were under consideration, but in the end they continued to be funded. In Hawaii the legislature refused to pass several "normal" racial entitlement bills, including a bill to greatly increase the amount of money to give to OHA in lieu of its 20% share of ceded land revenue (the amount "owed" cannot be determined due to lack of an inventory of the ceded lands). On October 14, 2016 the outgoing Obama Department of Interior had proclaimed in the Federal Register a "final rule" authorizing a process for creation of a Hawaiian tribe which could then seek federal recognition; but during 2017-2018 there was no publicly visible activity to implement it (presumably because the tribalists realized they could not succeed while Trump was President). The confirmation of 2 Trump nominees to the Supreme Court (Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) caused great unhappiness among Hawaiian tribalists and Indian tribes on the continent. The 2018 election resulted in tribalist OHA trustees Rowena Akana and Peter Apo (both the focus of scandals) being replaced by Kalei Akaka (granddaughter of Senator Dan Akaka) and Brendon Lee (who had served as head of the month-long meeting which wrote a proposed constitution for the Hawaiian tribe). In the absence of any significant movement toward creating a tribe, there was increased attention to efforts to gain international recognition of Hawaii as an allegedly continuing independent nation, through protests and lawsuits in Hawaii regarding Mauna Kea and taxes on land, and lobbying activity in the United Nations (both New York and Geneva).

The 116th Congress, January 2019 to December 2020, was controlled by Democrats in the House and by Republicans in the Senate, while President Donald Trump was also a Republican. Throughout the entire 116th Congress there was nothing like the Akaka bill. Racial entitlement programs for ethnic Hawaiians were occasionally attacked in Congress when their reauthorization bills were under consideration, but in the end they continued to be funded. There was no significant activity at the federal level regarding Hawaiian sovereignty, perhaps because everyone knew President Trump's Department of Interior would never allow it. Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz was a member of the Indian Affairs Committee and the Appropriations Committee, both of which enabled him to push for federal recognition of a Hawaiian tribe (which he did not do) and for racial entitlement programs (which he did successfully many times). Senator Mazie Hirono, on the Judiciary Committee, is a backbencher airhead who made no significant impact other than embarrassing Hawaii and herself by ridiculous attacks on Trump and his Supreme Court nominees. Newly elected Hawaii Congressman Ed Case, who served in the U.S. House previously, was a member of both the Appropriations Committee and the Natural Resources Committee (which includes a subcommittee functioning as the Indian Affairs committee for the House), both of which enabled him to push for federal recognition of a Hawaiian tribe (which he did not do) and for racial entitlement programs (which he did successfully many times). Schatz and Case are also friends because of their years of previous service in the Hawaii state House of Representatives. They mirrored each other in the Senate and House on the same two committees that are essential for the success of Hawaiian tribalism funded by federal megabucks. They engaged in straightforward legislation; but no Inouye-style stealth maneuvers focused on appropriations bills for Department of Defense or Department of Interior. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard launched a campaign for the Democrat Party nomination for President, won lots of media attention but almost no delegates, and announced her retirement after 8 years in Congress with few accomplishments, no clear plans for the future, and might leave Hawaii. Her newly elected replacement for the 117th Congress is Kaiali'i Kahele, an ethnic Hawaiian already displaying race-activism and huge egotism during his orientation period for new members in December 2020 (Hawaiian-language prayer and chant at Kamehameha statue in Capitol; tweet to Biden Dept of Interior nominee falsely proclaiming that Hawaiian language was made illegal for a century following overthrow of the monarchy). Kahele easily won election to Congress representing Hawaii district 2 (rural O'ahu plus all neighbor islands), replacing Tulsi Gabbard. "Kahele said he anticipates being a voice for Hawaiians and other indigenous people in congress, and that he expects to take on issues related to Hawaiian Homelands and federal recognition."
In Hawaii the legislature refused to pass several "normal" racial entitlement bills, including a bill to greatly increase the amount of money to give to OHA in lieu of its 20% share of ceded land revenue (the amount "owed" cannot be determined mathematically due to lack of an inventory of the ceded lands). During 2019 Leon Siu, self-declared foreign minister of the Kingdom of Hawaii, continued lobbying the United Nations both in New York and Geneva, seeking support for Hawaii independence; but throughout 2020 he suspended activities at U.N. due to COVID virus. Ethnic Hawaiians created race-based "Aloha 'Aina" political party certified to place candidates on the ballot for state elections in November 2020; but got very few votes. OHA made major effort through website, TV and social media to get ethnic Hawaiians to vote for ethnic Hawaiian candidates. Online and print newspapers propagandized that ethnic Hawaiians are huge victims of Coronavirus; and also that DHHL should be allowed to build a gambling casino on Kapolei Hawaiian Homeland. OHA trustee Keli'i Akina, opponent of the tribal concept, won re-election to another 4-year term. OHA chair Carmen Hulu Lindsey, after 20 years on the board, lost re-election to a relatively unknown former beauty queen.

The 117th Congress, January 2021 through December 2022, had a House controlled by a very small 5-vote majority of Democrats; and a Senate evenly split 50-50 with Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris available to break any tie votes, and Democrat President Joe Biden. News report says Biden will support expected omnibus tribal recognition bill to give federal recognition simultaneously to numerous tribes which have sought recognition for many years, including Hawaiians. Such an omnibus recognition bill was never introduced; but on Oct 18, 2022 U.S. Dept of Interior proclaims it will now treat Native Hawaiians as a sovereign group like a federally recognized tribe (although they are not), and begins a series of open-ended "listening sessions" on Zoom specifically for Hawaiians to express their views on what should be the nature of federal relationship; and similar sessions were conducted with other "indigenous" groups throughout USA. 43CFR50, a regulation proclaimed by outgoing Obama Department of Interior on October 14, 2016, provides a pathway to federal recognition which remains asleep but can be easily implemented if Hawaiian activists decide to use it. In 2020 Tulsi Gabbard (D, Hawaii 02) announced she would not run for re-election, and the Hawaii Democrat Party had an easy time getting state legislator Kaiali'i Kahele elected to replace her in 2021-2022. Kahele promptly pledged to support racial entitlement programs and Hawaiian sovereignty; veteran Congressman Ed Case has always supported it and serves on House subcommittee overseeing Indian affairs; Senator Brian Schatz devoted his maiden speech in 2017 to pushing the Akaka bill (which no longer existed after 2012) and has spent his entire time in Senate as member of both the Indian Affairs Committee and the Appropriations Committee, just like his predecessor Dan Inouye. During 2022, in his first term in Congress, Kahele made a fool of himself by being mostly absent while another Democrat cast his votes for him by proxy while Kahele announced he would not seek re-election to Congress because he was running for Governor of Hawaii. Former state legislator Jill Tokuda won the 2022 election to replace Kahele -- although she has no native Hawaiian ancestry she always supported racial entitlement programs and the Akaka bill. Lieutenant Gov. Josh Green won election to serve as Governor 2023-2026 -- his wife (and kids) are ethnic Hawaiian; he enthusiastically pushed racial entitlements and Hawaiian sovereignty.



January 3, 2023: Newly elected Hawaii Congresswoman Jill Tokuda attends Day#1 of 118th Congress wearing a blouse solely displaying photo of anti-annexation petition from 1897; Ken Conklin online comment demands explanation why she singled out that topic from Hawaii's history.

Jan 14: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be foreign minister of the Hawaiian Kingdom, looks ahead by listing all the Kingdom holidays whose anniversaries in 2023 will be special because they multiples of 5s and 10s of years since they were proclaimed.

Jan 28: Leon Siu describes plans for influencing the Hawaii legislature on specific topics during this year's session (mid January to early June).

February 1, 2023: Monthly column by OHA Trustee at-large Keli'i Akina: "Federal Recognition of Hawaiian Sovereignty: One People, Many Views" [with comment by Ken Conklin]

Feb 3: Honolulu Civil Beat columnist Lee Cataluna "Native Hawaiian Soccer Team Has International Aspirations" describes how the team, whose players are exclusively ethnic Hawaiian, will display the State of Hawaii flag as actually the flag of an independent nation of Hawaii; and will sing the state anthem "Hawai'i Pono'i" as actually the Hawaiian national anthem, thereby helping "to reubild my country’s collective sense of national identity."

Feb 11: Leon Siu: "letʻs not forget that while waiting for the legal and political issues to be resolved, there are more fundamental and more important components that are essential for Hawai`i to be a sovereign, independent nation" and Siu lists some of those components.

Feb 12: Honolulu City Council resolution 22-262 urging the city administration to formally recognize and observe November 28th as La Ku'oko'a, Hawaiian Independence Day. Modern revival of an archaic holiday from the Kingdom of Hawaii seems harmless but conveys secessionist attitude, race-nationalism, and demands for reparations; similar to 30 years of hassles from 1993 apology resolution.

Feb 18: Hawaiian Kingdom blog [describes itself as "Weblog of the acting government of the Hawaiian Kingdom presently operating within the occupied State of the Hawaiian Islands"] provides summary and more than 5 hours of video of "University of Hawaii Symposium on War Crimes Committed in the Hawaiian Islands by the United States"

Feb 25: Leon Siu, "Free Hawaii blog" Ke Aupuni Update describes his 10 years of work attending "various meetings of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), the Polynesian Leaders Group (PLG), the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) to connect and maintain contact with Presidents, Prime Ministers and government officials of those regional groups" is his effort to have Hawaii "rejoin our Pacific Family" but not under auspices of USA.

March 11: Leon Siu, "Free Hawaii blog" Ke Aupuni Update: "Pasifika, not America, is our real, natural family. We have begun the process to be reunited with our Pacific family. ... The Pacific Way is a set of ideas, visions and processes that are dynamic, renewing itself under new contexts while simultaneously grounded to the core values of the native culture. Simply put, its doing things island style...."

March 19: State Archivist Adam Jansen is flying to New York later this month to bring home to Hawaii items from Bonhams auction house related to the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani. They include Liliuokalani’s Royal Standard, the queen’s personal flag that flew over her Washington Place home in Honolulu on Jan. 17, 1893, the day she was overthrown. He will also be bringing back the personal letters and documents of Col. John Soper [Provisional Government], who was in charge of the military troops that amassed, banding together to threaten violence if the queen did not step down peacefully.

March 27: Leon Siu, "Free Hawaii blog" Ke Aupuni Update: From 2014–2016 the Decolonization Alliance a group that I chaired in New York, held a series of dialogs to jumpstart the United Nationsʻ decolonization process. Some of those talks were sponsored by the United Methodist Church asking what they could do to initiate acts of repentance to make amends for the damage they caused by their involvement in colonialism. One idea: Encourage breastfeeding of infants to break away from colonizer factories & cultures.

April 15: Leon Siu, "Free Hawaii blog" Ke Aupuni Update: On March 30, Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church issued a stunning statement repudiating the “Doctrine of Discovery” ... that gave license (blessings) to European countries to colonize and plunder the lands of peoples who were not Christians. ... our path to Free Hawaii is to initiate a call for the General Assembly to conduct a review of its role in validating the statehood of Alaska and Hawaii.

April 18: Disgraced former OHA board member Peter Apo complains that "OHA Abandons Commitment To Self-Governance. Under its new strategic plan, the agency has defaulted on one of the primary reasons it was created in the first place." OHA board candidate in 2022 election, Sam King, replies that "Native Hawaiian race-based self-governance through OHA was an historic aberration. ... Hawaii the nation-state was created by a multi-ethnic coalition of Hawaii-island-Hawaiians and Europeans. After that, every person born in Hawaii was a Hawaiian. We were one of the first post-racial societies! There were no race-restrictive citizenship laws."

April 20: Hawaii's Governor Green holds a press conference upon signing into law a bill passed by the legislature establishing that "November 28 of each year shall be known and designated as La Kuokoa, Hawaiian Independence Day, to celebrate the historical recognition of the independence of the Kingdom of Hawaii. This day is not and shall not be construed to be a state holiday." Ken Conklin's detailed explanation and testimony.

April 29: Leon Siu, Free Hawaii blog, discusses "What is a “Hawaiian National”?", complains they are mistreated under U.S. "occupation", but concludes with the delusional assertion "The U.S. occupation will end soon." However, after this year's legislature refused to give a committee hearing to his resolution to remove McKinley's name and statue from that high school, Leon has now stopped pushing that concept in his twice-monthly essays.

April 30: Tom Coffman commentary in Honolulu newspaper, "U.S. imperialism and Hawaii’s place in history", describes a Smithsonian exhibition in the national portrait gallery. Extensive online comments and rebuttals by Ken Conklin and various readers.



INDEX OF NEWS REPORTS AND COMMENTARIES FROM MAY 1THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2023. History of efforts to create a Hawaiian tribe from May 1 through August 31, 2023; including efforts to create a state-recognized tribe and efforts to get federal recognition through Dept. of Interior regulation, executive order, or Congressional legislation; and efforts to get local and international recognition of an alleged continuing independent nation of Hawaii. Fire burns down Lahaina town including historical buildings & Kingdom artifacts; Hawaiian sovereignty activist used state government position to refuse water for firefighting in order to protect water flow to taro farms; activists weaponize the fire disaster to push propaganda about colonization & U.S. imperialism, and demand race-based control over rebuilding Lahaina town & water system.

May 10, 2023: Website of The History Channel publishes outrageous Hawaiian sovereignty propaganda essay filled with falsehoods and distortions

May 13: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be foreign minister of the still-independent nation of Hawaii, "Aupuni Update" says ethnic Hawaiians have kuleana (right. responsibility, duty) to protect, oversee, and serve the lands and waters of Hawaii.

May 16: OHA board member Mililani Trask publishes on Free Hawaii blog a long-delayed response to Peter Apo's Civil Beat essay from April 18 regarding Apo's allegation that OHA has abandoned efforts to engage in self-determination.

May 24: A 44-year-old man found guilty of posting social media threats to behead then-Lt. Gov. Josh Green, Mayor Rick Blangiardi and the Waianae Small Boat Harbor master following a dispute over nonpayment of $30,000 in mooring fees by the leader of a militant Hawaiian sovereignty group was sentenced to 37 months in federal prison

May 26: Newspaper on Kaua'i Island publishes report based entirely on press release about OHA grant for environmental Hawaiian-culture program on O'ahu supposedly focused on revitalization of Hawaiian language, filled with outrageous victimhood falsehoods about suppression of Hawaiian culture through alleged banning of Hawaiian language following illegal overthrow of Hawaiian kingdom. Ken Conklin's email rebuttal to author and editor.

May 27:
(a) Major Hawaii TV station publishes racially inflammatory anti-American screed authored by station staffer, focused on who can call themselves "Hawaiian" and why.;
(b) Leon Siu, Free Hawaii blog Ke Aupuni Update, explains why Hawaiian Kingdom still exists as the rightful government under international law.

May 30: "Distinguished Professor" at University of Hawaii Law School displays typical twisted history and legal theory which he and his colleagues teach to future lawyers.

June 10, 2023: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be foreign minister of the still-independent nation of Hawaii, "Aupuni Update" says one way to assert the Hawaiian Kingdom still lives is to remember and celebrate important days in our history. Here are three significant days to remember in the month of June.

June 21: How To Rediscover Hawaii's Soul? Here Are 4 Scenarios A report issued at the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement conference in Las Vegas produced 4 competing visions of who will have political power and which cultural values will prevail.

June 22: Headline story: Bipartisan staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs were at the first Western Regional Native Hawaiian Convention held in Las Vegas to highlight that Congress has secured hundreds of millions of dollars in dedicated federal funding [list included], the most ever, for Native Hawaiians and to seek input on amending legislation [list of topics provided] to extend protection to Native Hawaiian art and artists for the first time.

June 24: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be foreign minister of the still-independent nation of Hawaii, "Aupuni Update" is entitled "Our Treaty with the Swiss Confederation". The assertions in this post by Leon Siu are very deceptive and have been repeated many times for several decades by numerous Hawaiian sovereignty activists using the 1864 Swiss treaty to assert that the Hawaiian kingdom still exists as an internationally recognized independent nation, and should be set free from U.S. belligerent military occupation. Ken Conklin therefore created a major webpage providing detailed rebuttal.

June 26: Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement held a major convention outside Hawaii for the first time, in Las Vegas, noting that the U.S. Census’ American Community Survey in 2021 estimated that 370,546 Native Hawaiians were living on the mainland, compared with 309,807 in the Hawaiian Islands. Therefore CNHA intends to greatly expand its presence and influence throughout the lower 48 states (and will presumably become more effective in lobbying members of Congress for racial entitlement programs and perhaps federal recognition of Native Hawaiians as an Indian tribe).

July 18, 2023: In 1883 King Kalakaua's internationally recognized government sent a letter to the European nations' governments asking them to stop colonizing numerous Pacific islands; the protest was ignored; but today the situation is reversed and Hawaii needs help from internationally recognized Pacific island nations to go to United Nations and protest U.S. illegal occupation of Hawaii.

July 26: Efforts are underway to pass federal legislation to give Native Hawaiian businesses the same preference for sole-source contracts the same as though they are an Indian tribe (similar tactics being used just like the tactics from 2000-2012 to create a Hawaiian tribe and give it federal recognition).

July 29: Leon Siu: Ke Aupuni Update. July 31st marks the 180th Anniversary of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea - Sovereignty Restoration Day! On this day in 1843, King Kamehameha III was restored to his rightful position as the ruling King of the Hawaiian Islands by Admiral Richard Thomas of the British Royal Navy, ending “the Paulet Affair”, a four-month-long unlawful occupation of the Hawaiian Islands instigated by British naval officer Lord George Paulet.

August 8-10, 2023: On Tuesday August 8 a massive wildfire, worsened by 80MPH wind gusts from faraway Hurricane Dora, burned to the ground most of the historic town of Lahaina Maui including thousands of homes, businesses, and historic buildings; and causing at least 80 human deaths. The chairperson of the board of race-based state agency, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, issued an official statement on August 9 quoted at length in the newspapers on August 10, sending condolences to ethnic Hawaiians (exclusively) on the devastation to the historic capitol of the Hawaiian Kingdom, blaming a history of colonialism and loss of race-based control of the land and water, and concluding that "The same western forces that tried to erase us as a people now threaten our survival with their destructive practices.”

Aug 11: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of the still-existing Kingdom of Hawaii, publishes an "Aupuni Update" lamenting the cultural losses in Lahaina, and announcing "Tomorrow, I leave for two months of back-to-back conferences and meetings in Asia, the South Pacific, Europe and America. I will share that the restoration of Lāhainā and the restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom, will be driven by the same resilient spirit of the people of Hawaiʻi, rooted in Aloha."

Aug 12: A small group of the most recognizable anti-American Hawaiian independence activists publish letter to editor in Honolulu newspaper announcing the “August 12, 2023 – August 12, 2024” Project: In the tradition of the 1993 Onipa‘a, the 100-year observance of the overthrow, and the 1998 Ku‘e observance of the illegality of annexation, we are initiating a community-based educational project in observance of the 125th year of the U.S. government’s leap into Pacific imperialism ... to generate wide participation in understanding a pernicious history that is still with us today. This is history not only of Hawaii but of Guam, the Philippines and far-flung islands throughout the Pacific."

Aug 17: Ethnic Hawaiian sovereignty activist "explains" that the refusal to release water to fight the fires in Lahaina was righteous because ethnic Hawaiian taro farmers have hard-won special rights by law to ensure their taro patches have adequate supply of flowing water.

Aug 21: Ethnic Hawaiian sovereignty activist government water control officer was forced to resign because he protected water allocation for taro farmers and refused to release water to fight Lahaina wildfire that destroyed the town. He now gets honored in a rally by a group of sovereignty activists who perform a hula for him and give him numerous leis.

Aug 22:
(a) Show Respect For Lahaina By Restoring Its Once Lush Wetlands
It is too early to focus on rebuilding, but cultural advocates already see an opportunity to return to a Lahaina of the past.
[Turn over entire reconstruction project to ethnic Hawaiian activists]
(b) The Imperialist History Behind the Maui Fires
At the center of the latest climate change disaster is the long and ongoing struggle for water and land rights for Native Hawaiians.
[Left Voice is a revolutionary socialist news site and magazine dedicated to fostering a sustained and strategic struggle against every form of capitalist exploitation and oppression.]

Aug 24: NBC News national website publishes article: "Why Hawaiian sovereignty has undeniable context for the Maui fires. Scholars and activists say Native Hawaiians have ultimately been seeking their right to self-determination — an issue they say touches on the cause of the fires and affects Hawaii's healing." Far-leftwing secessionists are the only "scholars" whose views are provided in this propaganda piece.

Aug 25: Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo is a senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and a leftwing Libertarian and Hawaiian independence activist. His diatribe on Lew Rockwell's blog weaponizes the Lahaina tragedy and celebrates the sovereignty protesters who gave Biden the finger during Biden's visit to Lahaina. DiLorenzo portrays a history of American imperialism and colonization in Hawaii as being the cause of Lahaina's destruction by fire, and he speculates that this protest might be the start of a new revolution for Hawaiian independence.

August 30, 2023: Two ethnic Hawaiian medical doctors holding prestigious positions in the Native Hawaiian medical establishment invoke the old Hawaiian religion's viewpoint [creation legend] that Native Hawaiians are descended from the gods and have a genealogical relationship with the land; in order to assert that "A just recovery for Maui must center Native Hawaiians" as the rightful decision-makers. [What Ken Conklin has called "Native Hawaiian religious fascism".]




September 5, 2023: Article in "Peoples World" [successor to Communist "The Daily Worker"] entitled "Imperialism and capitalism set Hawaii ablaze"

Sept 7: "The Guardian [newspaper in England] publishes article highlighting demands for Hawaiian sovereignty being pushed in response to Lahaina wildfire tragedy; article reprinted in other media that are anti-American.

Sept 9: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of the still-living Hawaiian Kingdom, says that the world is watching how Hawaiians conduct themselves in response to the Lahaina wildfire disaster, so it's important not to lash out in anger (as some have done) but to practice "kapu aloha."

Sept 25: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of the still-living Hawaiian Kingdom, back home after spending 2 weeks at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Switzerland, says people throughout the world have special affection for Hawaii and many popular media, as well as academic publications, are increasingly acknowledging and receptive to the message of liberation for Hawaii from American oppression.

October 1, 2023: Colin Kippen, interim CEO of Office of Hawaiian Affairs, authored two articles in the OHA monthly newspaper that are stridently race-nationalist.

October 14: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of the still-living Hawaiian Kingdom, complains about "the callousness and deafness of those in government and business to the appeals of the people to provide adequate time and adequate resources to recover from the tragedy, before reopening for business [after the wildfires]. ... Once again, our experience in Hawaii under the American system, shows us their main priority is always: money over the people. ... we have to free ourselves of the American money-power driven system."

October 28: Leon Siu imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of the still-living Hawaiian Kingdom. "... Over the years, as I have attended Pacific regional meetings and conversed with heads of states, diplomats and parliamentarians, they invariably mention they would be very happy if Hawaiʻi (as the Hawaiian nation, not the U.S. ‘state’) was to become an active member of the Pacific family of nations to help with the critical issues facing our islands. It was the intent of several of our Kings, especially Kalākaua, to bring together our ʻohana of Moana Nui to work for the betterment of our peoples and nations. This great vision was rudely dashed by the assault and abduction of our nation by the United States. Fortunately, we are on the verge of overturning that wrongful taking and restoring the Hawaiian Islands as a sovereign, independent nation. ..."

Nov 14: Leon Siu says the location of the capitol of any absolute monarchy, including the Hawaiian Kingdom, automatically follows the King's residence; thus Hawaii's first capitol (after consolidating power in the Battle of Nu'uanu) was Waikiki, then moving to Hilo, Lahaina, and Kailua-Kona. His son Liholiho Kamehameha II moved the capitol back to Lahaina, where Kauikeaouli Kamehameha III continued to reside.

Nov 15: Ken Conklin posts new webpage providing protest sent to PBS-Hawaii CEO Ron Mizutani re 150-minute double-feature propaganda prime-time broadcast of a panel discussion and film pushing for Hawaiian independence by trashing the overthrow of monarchy (1893) and annexation (1898).

Nov 21: Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation publishes three summaries with links to full articles, all collected under one headline: "Cultural Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge, & Data Sovereignty: Empowering Cultural Stewards and Knowledge Keepers" The overall concept is that political sovereignty for a Native Hawaiian tribe or state political entity would include legal protection for its cultural intellectual property rights, traditional knowledge, and control of how data about members are gathered and disseminated. These concepts were generated by a working group authorized by the state legislature in 2023 with a view toward enacting laws in the upcoming session of 2024.

Nov 24: Leon Siu imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of the still-living Hawaiian Kingdom. "This year, 2023, is the 180th anniversary of an historic moment for Hawaii. November 28, 1843 was the day the United Kingdom (Great Britain) and the Kingdom of France jointly proclaimed their recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign nation ... King Kamehameha III declared November 28 as Lā Kuʻokoʻa, Hawaiʻi Independence Day"

Nov 28: The State of Maine, unlike Hawaii, has federally recognized tribes. But the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act undermines tribal sovereignty and treats Wabanaki Nations as municipalities that are subject to state law. The nations often have to work with the state government to implement federal Indian policies such as the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act and the Violence Against Women Act.

Dec. 8: Leon Siu imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of the still-living Hawaiian Kingdom. He asks whether the presence of U.S. military in Hawaii might provoke another attack on Pearl Harbor like the one 82 years ago. To avoid that, let's push U.S. military out of Hawaii, removing the reason why a foreign power might feel a need to attack us.

Dec. 14: Native Hawaiian Environmental Activists and Greenpeace USA Protest the arrival of Hidden Gem, one of the world’s largest deep-sea mining vessels, as it entered Hawaiian waters off of Honolulu, to demand a ban on Deep Sea Mining. This protest illustrates how Hawaiian sovereignty activists work with groups outside Hawaii to undermine federal, state, and local government lawmaking authority.

Dec. 24: Randall Roth, Professor Emeritus at University of Hawaii Law School specializing in trust law, warns of continuing corruption among government officials and illustrates by reviewing the scandal over Bishop Estate (Kamehameha Schools) which he called attention to and publicized in his newspaper commentary (1997) and his book "Broken Trust" (2006)

Dec. 26: Article published at end of 2023 by an international organization which specializes in magnifying and publicizing ethnic and race-based grievances that are highly divisive and intended to undermine the sovereignty of national, state, and local governments. ICMGLT (international center for the study, prevention and treatment of multigenerational legacies of trauma inc) touts troubles of ethnic Hawaiians in Maui after wildfires destroyed town of Lahaina, and focuses on failure to deliver land leases for 29,000 on waitlist for Hawaiian homelands -- despite the fact that in 2023 the state government agreed to a settlement, and is paying out $328 Million in damages to the plaintiffs!

Dec. 29: Leon Siu imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of the still-living Hawaiian Kingdom. In this final post of "Ke Aupuni Update" for 2023, he summarizes his position that there was never an annexation of Hawaii; therefore the Kingdom of Hawaii remains in place, Hawaii is not part of U.S.A., and Hawaii "is being unlawfully suppressed, occupied, and callously ruled by the United States."




January 2, 2024: Article in the OHA monthly newspaper filled with hate-America rhetoric about Hawaii's history and calls for "liberation of Hawaiʻi’s Indigenous people"

Jan 13: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, describes his view of how the monarchy of Hawaii was overthrown, and asserts that a deal was made between U.S. President Grover Cleveland and ex-queen Lili'uokalani to restore her to the throne, but the deal was never implemented.

Jan 29: Honolulu Star-Advertiser Editorial: Include OHA in Mauna Kea body. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs has gone to state Circuit Court asking to repeal the Mauna Kea Stewardship and Oversight Authority, established in Act 255, arguing that the state law is unconstitutional. OHA was designated in the state Constitution as the state agency managing the trust of resources for the benefit of Native Hawaiians. This year’s newly convened Legislature should act to resolve at least part of the latest quandary, by amending the law to give OHA representation on the Mauna Kea authority board.

Jan 30: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, says "By the end of World War II, the United States had completely fooled the entire world — including nearly every Hawaiian — into thinking that Hawaiʻi was a United States territory." And he describes in detail how this happened.

February 1, 2024:
(a) Webpage being circulated on social media: "Hawaii Transitional Governance" announcing a provisional government led by race-nationalists to manage the governance of Hawaii during the transitional period from the current occupation by USA to total independence.
(b) Office of Hawaiian Affairs [a state government agency] in its monthly newspaper publishes a feature article "The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples" noting that “Regardless of whether Kānaka Maoli understand themselves as Indigenous people or as a civilian population of an occupied territory, or both, ... UNDRIP provides important ways of thinking about the legal duties of the settler colonial state or occupying power toward Kānaka Maoli ... Article 26 of UNDRIP further supports both a state constitutional framework for Kānaka Maoli control of land and use and protection of water resources [and] reaffirms the obligations of an occupying power under international humanitarian law.”

Feb 13: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, notes that Census 2020 counted more ethnic Hawaiians on U.S. mainland than in Hawaii, but nobody has counted how many "Hawaiians" there are in other nations around the world.

March 16: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, posts a message while he is at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland attending the 55th Session of the UN Human Rights Council. "This past week I have touched bases with diplomats, UN experts, non-governing organizations (NGOs), the press and other stake-holders in the international human rights arena. Next week I will be on a panel on self-determination sponsored by the Kashmiri independence movement. I will also participate in a press conference with Alaska representatives and Dr. Alfred deZayas on calling for review of UNGA Resolution 1469." Siu posts the short oral statement he delivered at the Human Rights Council asserting his diplomatic protest to the US illegal occupation of our islands and reiterating Hawaii's status as a sovereign, independent nation in continuity.

March 17: Exposee by editor of Hawaii Free Press describes how Hawaii Republican leaders secretly met with mob-leader Mike Miske's alleged hitman Lindsey Kinney, how Miske's hitman ‘Kleaned House’ in Three Political Parties, and that Hawaiian sovereignty activists believe in ‘Q-Anon’ too.

March 30: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, posts a message while he is at the United Nations in New York, saying that he is "asking members of the UN General Assembly who are sympathetic to our cause, to submit a resolution to the General Assembly calling for a procedural review of the conditions and circumstances that led to their adoption of Resolution 1469 in 1959. ... conducting such a review will quickly uncover the blatant fraud by the U.S. to con the UN General Assembly into erroneously adopting Resolution 1469. Upon discovering that error and realizing they are complicit in fraud and the prolonged illegal occupation of a peaceful and friendly sovereign nation (Hawaii), the UN General Assembly would then be categorically obligated to annul that flawed and offending resolution. This would cause a 180-degree turnaround. Without UNGA Resolution 1469 to lean on, the United States’ claim to Hawaii collapses, and by default, the Hawaiian Kingdom, the sovereign nation in continuity, springs forward to be restored as the lawful governing entity over the lands and people of the Hawaiian Islands. ... The removal of Resolution 1469 will also open the United States to legal challenges and judgements for the 131 years of criminal acts of piracy, pillaging and crimes against humanity, which would result in the United States not only withdrawing from our country, but providing massive restitution for crimes and damages."

April 13: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, says Hawaii is a nation on the rise ... if we think and act as a free people, then we are a free people -- and whatever constraints imposed by the U.S. and the Fake State are merely temporary obstacles that we can overcome. The time of thinking of ourselves as a nation in distress has passed. We are a nation on the rise! And the more we assert it, not in a prideful way, but rooted and confident in Aloha ʻĀina and Kapu Aloha, the sooner our nation will be restored. Siu lists some of the recent successes whereby the State of Hawaii has given concessions to a nation of Hawaii.

April 21: Hilo and Kona newspapers news report: "TMT project manager admits past mistakes, notes project is dependent on NSF funding, support from Hawaiians ... The fate of the Thirty Meter Telescope rests in the hands of the [ethnic] Hawaiian community, observatory officials say. ... if the consensus among [ethnic] Hawaiians is that TMT is not welcome on Maunakea, then TMT will accept that decision.

April 27, 2024: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, says "The Queen [Lili'uokalani] never surrendered [during the 1893 revolution that overthrew the monarchy]" She wrote a note of protest "asking for the U.S. to through international diplomatic channels, rather than the clash of arms." Siu says the protest was delivered to the U.S. Embassy in Honolulu; but that is false: the protest note was delivered to the office of the revolutionary Provisional Government, because she knew the PG, not the USA, had staged the revolution and would attack her puny armed forces unless she surrendered. Siu says "Other words that need to be used more carefully to tell our story are: Overthrow, Abdication, Annexation, Occupation, Colonization, Hawaiian National, Hawaiian Subject, Crown Lands, Ceded Lands, and so forth."

April 29-30, 2024: Six years ago OHA board member Rowena Akana violated the state ethics code when she used OHA money to pay for internet, cable TV, and food for herself and others. The state ethics commission fined her $23,106. Akana appealed to the state Supreme Court claiming that the ethics commission does not have jurisdiction over OHA [because OHA is a quasi-sovereign entity]. Last week attorneys for OHA led by former Hawaii Supreme Court Justice Robert Klein questioned whether the Ethics Commission actually has authority to shape how OHA trustees use proceeds from ceded lands. The OHA board voted 8-1 to file an amicus brief with the supreme court to support Akana's request to overturn the ethics commission decision, but the court refused to allow the amicus brief. OHA board member Keli'i Akina issued a press release opposing the other 8 board members and arguing that OHA is a state agency required to follow the same rules for accountability and transparency that all other agencies must follow.




May 13, 2024: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, publishes two Ke Aupuni [the Government] Update proclamations each month. This time he complains that empty or insincere apologies are insulting and offensive to the recipients when not followed-up with reparations, such as the U.S. and United Church of Christ apologies to Native Hawaiians for the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893.

May 14: Hayden Burgess [alias Poka Laenui] describes a version of Hawaii's history portraying the 1893 overthrow of Hawaii's monarchy as a U.S. invasion, 1898 Annexation and 1959 Statehood plebiscite as illegal under international aw; and therefore "No action should be taken by the State of Hawaii or by the U.S. government to proceed under the domestic laws of the United States until the issue of the international legal question is first resolved. All land issues [such as the Army's proposal for the renewed lease of lands at Pohakuloa] as well as the exercise of American jurisdiction, should be held in abeyance. There is now an attempt to bring this question of jurisdiction to the U.N. for clarification on this matter, and until the matter is resolved, no action should be taken by the State or the Feds to dispose of the title of Hawaii's lands."

May 24: Emmanuel Macron, President of France, flew to the remote French-ruled Pacific island of New Caledonia to outline his latest foreign policy plan. His visit was in response to rioting by Melanesian natives protesting French government's legislation to change voter eligibility to allow (White) French citizens to vote even if they moved here as recently as 10 years ago.

May 25: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, summarizes creation of private land ownership through the Mahele (mid-1800s) and says "land fraud in Hawaiʻi is massive, pervasive and ongoing. Deprived of their inheritance, Hawaiians have been impoverished and driven off the islands by greedy foreigners, their corrupt judges and US puppet governments" but this will soon be changed by international action at United Nations.

June 8, 2024: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, describes "Hawaii is currently hosting a massive ten-day event called the Pacific Festival of the Arts and Culture (FestPac), bringing together delegations of artists, dancers, musicians and cultural practitioners from 28 Pacific Island nations celebrating the peoples of Moananuiakea (the Pacific Islands), Polynesians, Micronesians, Melanesians and Austronesians. ... The organizers of FestPac fastidiously steered clear of any mention that this is really the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands, not the State of Hawaii, USA. It's okay, though, because now we have a great template for the next time we have an international celebration of such magnitude — the celebration of the restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom."

June 11: Maui county government establishes Dept. of 'Oiwi [race-defined Hawaiian] Resources

June 12: Hawaii Business Magazine describes hotels owned by ethnic Hawaiians and the political purposes of a new effort to greatly expand such race-based ownership

June 22: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, says "The massive ten-day event called the Pacific Festival of the Arts and Culture (FestPAC), served as a reminder of both our glorious past and the potential for a glorious future. ... during the Nineteenth Century, Hawaii was a sovereign country, and all the other Pacific Islands were captive nations under colonial rule. Today, nearly all the Pacific nations are independent or enjoy some form of autonomy, but Hawaii is a nation in captivity. Hopefully, FestPAC will be a step toward rejoining our Pacific Island Family."

June 24: The Protecting Oceania Hui, a group of environmental and cultural Pacific organizations, has released a statement calling for an end to the multinational RIMPAC military exercise ... 29 nations, 40 surface ships, three submarines, 14 national land forces, and more than 150 aircraft ... It is said to be the world’s largest international maritime exercise. "We oppose turning Hawaiʻi’s lands and waters into training grounds for imperial and genocidal regimes ... We stand committed to a free and liberated Oceania and will remain steadfast in our commitment until these exercises cease to exist."

July 6, 2024: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, notes that USA celebrated the 248th anniversary of its independence on July 4, but says "Hawaii is ancient. It has been sovereign and self-governing since time immemorial. No people other than Hawaiians ever ruled over Hawaii. That is what makes America’s rule in Hawaii so wrong and such an anomaly ... despite the United States’ ruling our Islands for the past 126 years, Hawaii’s sovereignty is still intact."

July 20: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, notes that "Next weekend Hawaiian Nationals will be celebrating the 181st anniversary of Lahoihoi Ea, “Sovereignty Restoration Day”", describing what happened in 1843 and how the holiday has been revived by modern activists.

July 25: Honolulu County Council Committee on Planning and the Economy chaired by Esther Kia'aina considers written & oral testimony on proposal created by Esther Kia'aina to give away a ten-acre parcel of land in Kailua to the racially exclusive Department of Hawaiian Homelands, presumably for them to develop housing. Ken Conklin's detailed testimony describes the proposal as racist, in line with Kia'aina's entire career serving Bishop Estate (Kamehameha School), OHA, policy advisor to Rep. Ed Case and Sen. Dan Akaka pushing Akaka bill 2000-2012, Asst. Sec of Interior under Obama 2012-2016 creating regulation 43CFR50 to facilitate creation of Hawaiian tribe with federal recognition. Testimony shows city would pay for water, sewage, police, fire, roads while race-defined homeowners in DHHL racial enclaves pay zero property taxes for 7 years by law and then mere token $100 per year; DHHL could choose to use land for profit-making businesses or even gambling casino if Hawaiian tribe gets federal recognition.

August 10: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, notes that August 15 will be 65th anniversary of Hawaii statehood, with state holiday celebrated on Aug 16 (3rd Friday of August by state law). Siu notes the holiday is not "celebrated" with actual events, unlike the Kingdom independence and restoration holidays; he says this is because Hawaii is ashamed of the history of overthrow and annexation. "The Republic of Hawaii, being an illegal insurgency, acquired no territory from the Hawaiian Kingdom."

August 24: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, says "Like many other small countries, Hawaii can function very nicely as an independent nation. As a pre-existing sovereign country, the Hawaiian Kingdom’s structural foundations for self-governance are still intact with its constitution, treaties, session laws, civil codes, etc. … currently operating as the so-called “State of Hawaii” ... Think of it as [merely] a change of management."

August 27, 2024: Hawaii Tribune-Herald republished an article from "The Fulcrum" published August 20. Tony McAleer, a former White supremacist, says "In the days when I was driven by an extremist agenda, our movement recognized the need and opportunity to increase broad-based support among the North American middle. To normalize extremist ideas, we attempted to take a position previously considered radical and make it palatable enough for the public to get behind. If we could repackage a concept that only 1 percent of people supported in a way that 5% would accept, we could expand our outer edge of extremism while simultaneously moving where the center lies. ... Endorsements for extremism don’t have to be outright calls to arms; they’re usually far more casual. ... The most extremist members of society, those bent on exclusion, hatred and suffering, are ready and waiting to seize upon our words to accomplish their destructive agendas. ..." Ken Conklin comments that "Here in Hawaii we do not have White Supremacists -- what we do have is ethnic Hawaiian race-supremacists who use the concept of "indigenous rights", and the apology resolution of 1993, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to make their race-supremacism and demands for racial entitlement programs seem palatable to the majority of well-meaning citizens of Hawaii."



INDEX OF NEWS REPORTS AND COMMENTARIES FROM SEPTEMBER 1, 2024 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2024. History of efforts to create a Hawaiian tribe from September 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024; including efforts to create a state-recognized tribe and efforts to get federal recognition through Dept. of Interior regulation, executive order, or Congressional legislation; and efforts to get local and international recognition of an alleged continuing independent nation of Hawaii. Proposals to transfer state government ownership of Royal Mausoleum to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, or to a race-based private corporation, are simply part of a larger effort to undermine the sovereignty of the United States and the State of Hawaii, to re-create Hawaii as an independent nation under racial supremacy by ethnic Hawaiians. Hula master Vicky Holt Takamine who won $450,000 prize explains why she sees hula as a "form of resistance" against USA. "Atlantic Magazine" publishes very lengthy propaganda article celebrating "The Hawaiians Who Want Their Nation Back". Chinese Communist Party announces Chinese-American Planning Council Contributes to Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Youth Mental Health Study through its Institute for Population Health Sciences.

September 7, 2024: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, publishes a brief "Aupuni Update" entitled "The Queen Never Abdicated" and lists 4 reasons for that assertion; Ken Conklin provides rebuttals including photographic evidence and legal argumentation.

Sept 21: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, describes techniques for making the nation more visible, thereby adding credibility to its claim of continued existence.

Sept 22: Honolulu Civil Beat online newspaper publishes propaganda "news report", paid for by a grant from the Abigail Kawananakoa Foundation, celebrating the fact that Native Hawaiians are now in control of numerous important state government agencies with large budgets and policy-making authority.

Sept 22: ThisDay, a business magazine in Nigeria, reports that Professor David David, renowned diplomat, researcher and the Director General of the Nigerian Books of record and research center in Lagos, has been appointed Ambassador of the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii to Nigeria.

Sept 23: Honolulu Civil Beat features another article by its recently hired race-activist columnist Naka Nathaniel, with headline: "The Military Wants New State Land Leases. What Should We Get In Return? Native Hawaiian groups should step forward to challenge the state and the military."

October 12, 2024: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, says the lands of Hawaii belong forever to the natives of Hawaii, and cites Lili'uokalani's warning to the people of USA, following her overthrow and annexation, that soon the tables will turn and a day of reckoning will come, the lands restored and the biblical punishment of Ahab will fall upon the wrong doers.

Oct 21: Royal Australian Air Force Air Vice Marshal Carl Newman, Pacific Air Forces deputy commander, met with Kuhio Lewis, the Chief Executive Officer from the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA), for talks on developing relationships and fostering cultural understanding between the military and the Native Hawaiian community Oct. 17, 2024. The leaders and their team members connected through sincere discussions on systemic disadvantages faced by Native Hawaiians and underscored the complexity of addressing long-standing problems rooted in transgenerational trauma.

Oct 25: Hawaiian Kingdom blog [Keanu Sai] says Major General Kenneth Hara retired as Adjutant General of the Hawai‘i National Guard. At first glance, his willful failure to transform the State of Hawai‘i into a military government in accordance with U.S. Department of Defense Directive 5100.1, U.S. Army Field Manual 6-27—chapter 6, and the law of occupation, which is the war crime by omission, is now a problem for someone else. On the contrary, he exacerbated the situation. General Hara’s conduct and omission to establish a military government comes squarely under U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual, para. 18.22.1, which states, “Any person who commits an act that constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and liable to punishment.

Oct 26: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, says he has been tracking for years the dispute between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Mauritius over the Chagos Islands. It has a parallel to our dispute with the United States: the manipulation of the United Nations’ decolonization process by the “administrative power” (the colonial or occupying nation) to manufacture an outcome in its favor. ... What is significant to us in Hawaii, is that the Chagos case was successfully resolved, setting a clear precedence for correcting an error made in a botched UN decolonization process.

Oct 28: Ian Lind [retired newspaper investigative reporter] says: "A Maui woman who sparked several takeovers of private land based on a mistaken understanding of Native Hawaiian rights has pleaded “no contest” to criminal charges for her admitted role in the illegal occupation of the home and property of a retired state judge. ... This is believed to be the first time felony charges have been successfully brought against Hawaiians wrongly asserting native land rights under the false theory of “heirdom” promoted by Hueu, which asserts a “lineal descendant” of the original recipient of a Hawaiian Kingdom-era royal land grant retains an ownership interest “in perpetuity” that is superior to modern land titles and gives the right to control the property." Detailed online comment by Ken Conklin recalls the "Perfect Title" scam perpetrated by Keanu Sai in the 1990s.

November 10, 2024: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, says "The recent American elections ... exposed Americans are deeply concerned about illegal immigrants overwhelming the local population and losing control of their communities and resources to foreigners. ... that is what happened to Hawaii" along with identity theft through assimilation of ethnic Hawaiians into American cultural values.

Nov 12: A history-twisting plaque has been permanently installed in front of the President William McKinley statue at the Honolulu high school by that name, saying that the statue misrepresents history because it depicts President McKinley holding the Treaty of Annexation despite what the plaque asserts as facts, that there was no Treaty of Annexation [false] and that there were 28,000 signatures [false] representing 80% of the adult Hawaiian population [false] on a petition in 1897 opposing annexation. Full text of the newspaper story, and Ken Conklin's detailed online comments, are provided, along with links to news reports and commentaries beginning in 2011 regarding resolutions in the legislature demanding the removal of the McKinley statue and renaming of the school.

Nov 23: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, says "On November 28, 1843 (181 years ago) the Kingdom of France and the United Kingdom formally recognized the Sandwich Islands (the Hawaiian Kingdom) as a sovereign, independent nation-state. In Hawaii, King Kamehameha III declared the date a national holiday and La Ku'oko'a was joyously celebrated as a holiday in the Kingdom for over 50 years! ... until 1895 when it so happened the American holiday “Thanksgiving Day” fell on November 28. The usurping “Republic of Hawaii”, trying to curry favor for annexation, made the American Thanksgiving Day, the national holiday instead of La Ku'oko'a ... this year, the American Thanksgiving Day falls on November 28, the day of La Ku'oko'a ... an opportunity to increase and spread awareness of the significance of La Ku’oko'a among our friends and families…" [Ken Conklin comments that in 1895, 2 years after the revolution that overthrew the monarchy, the Republic of Hawaii was formally recognized as the rightful successor government by at least 19 nations on 4 continents personally signed by their emperors, kings, queens, and presidents, thereby ending the Kingdom of Hawaii under international law -- a far more significant recognition than the 1843 agreement between low-level diplomats from only 2 nations who addressed only each other and not anyone from Hawaii.]

December 2, 2024: Trump promised federal recognition for the Lumbee Tribe. Will he follow through? Following the presidential election, the Lumbee hope there will be momentum behind their cause, but they face deep-rooted opposition from tribal nations across the country. [Lumbee seek federal recognition through legislation in Congress rather than through the Dept. of Interior, similar to the Akaka bill to create a Hawaiian tribe that was active in Congress from 2000 through 2012 but failed and has not been attempted since then.]

Dec 6: Stacy Kealohalani Ferreira was hired in November 2023 to be Office of Hawaiian Affairs CEO. Honolulu Star-Advertiser newspaper gives space for her to describe in glowing terms the goals she will pursue.

Dec 9: Honolulu Civil Beat "Who Should Be Trusted To Manage Remains Of Hawaiian Royals? Proposals are floating for either the Office of Hawaiian Affairs or a private entity to take over at the Royal Mausoleum." Major explanation by Ken Conklin regarding history of ownership of Royal Mausoleum and how today's efforts to do a racial takeover are similar to efforts 25 years ago to counteract Supreme Court decision in Rice v. Cayetano and followup decision in Arakaki v. State.

Dec 11 and Dec 15: Hula master Vicky Holt Takamine won a $450,000 prize; combining both interviews at December 11 index because they reinforce each other.
Dec 11 Boston University Radio interviews her about why she sees hula as a form of resistance against USA. 11-minute interview includes portions of a pounding, combative hula/song/chant "Ku Ha'aheo" [stand proudly].
Dec 15: Forbes Magazine online describes in greater detail both Takamine's award and her usage of hula as a weapon of resistance.

Dec 11 2024/Dec 12 2024/Jan 2025: Very lengthy "Atlantic Magazine" propaganda article celebrating "The Hawaiians Who Want Their Nation Back". Article announced and made available for subscribers on December 11, full text published in "Free Hawaii" blog on December 12; will be published in hardcopy magazine edition for January 2025; therefore text is posted as last item at bottom of this webpage.

Dec 14: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii, describes an incident at Honolulu City Council when a testifier spoke in Hawaiian language followed immediately by giving the same speech in English; a later testifier complained that Hawaiian is a dead language; and then three members of the Council immediately replied that Hawaiian is an official language of the State of Hawaii, can be used in government forums, and there are 24,000 fluent speakers [unclear what their level of fluency is].

Dec 15: Ken Conklin letter to editor in Sunday Honolulu Star-Advertiser: "Blessed to be Americans, in 50th State of United States"

Dec 30: Leon Siu, who imagines himself to be Foreign Minister of a still-living Kingdom of Hawaii describes "An Ocean of Peace – An Ocean of Aloha." "In November 2023, at the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Leaders Retreat in Aitutaki, Rarotonga, the Prime Minister of Fiji, Sitiveni Rabuka proposed the PIF nations declare a ‘Zone of Peace’ or ‘Ocean of Peace,’ representing a collective commitment to maintaining peace in the region. ... Aunty Pilahi Paki famously said: “The World will turn to Hawaii as they search for world peace because Hawaii has the key… and that key is aloha.”" A-L-O-H-A

Dec 30: Chinese Communist Party announces Chinese-American Planning Council Contributes to Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Youth Mental Health Study through its Institute for Population Health Sciences, a 501(c)(3) Organization. 40 pages.



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